Tuesday, March 14, 2023

10 discoveries that prove Einstein was right about the universe — and 1 that proves him wrong

Legendary physicist Albert Einstein was a thinker ahead of his time. Born March 14, 1879, Einstein entered a world where the dwarf planet Pluto had yet to be discovered, and the idea of spaceflight was a distant dream. Despite the technical limitations of his time, Einstein published his famous theory of general relativity in 1915, which made predictions about the nature of the universe that would be proven accurate time and again for more than 100 years to come.

Here are 10 recent observations that proved Einstein was right about the nature of the cosmos a century ago — and one that proved him wrong.

Read more from Live Science

Monday, March 13, 2023

Study reveals how ionising radiation damages DNA and causes cancer

For the first time, researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and their collaborators have been able to identify in human cancers two characteristic patterns of DNA damage caused by ionising radiation. These fingerprint patterns may now enable doctors to identify which tumours have been caused by radiation, and investigate if they should be treated differently. Published in Nature Communications today, the results will also help to explain how radiation can cause cancer.

Ionising radiation, such as gamma rays, X-rays and radioactive particles can cause cancer by damaging DNA. However, how this happens, or how many tumours are caused by radiation damage has not been known.

Read more at Science News

Water helps assembly of biofibers that could capture sunlight

When it comes to water, some materials have a split personality - and some of these materials could hold the key to new ways of harnessing solar energy. These small assemblies of organic molecules have parts that are hydrophobic, or water-fearing, while other parts are hydrophilic, or water-loving. Because of their schizoid nature, micelles organize themselves into spheres that have their hydrophilic parts turned out while their hydrophobic parts are shielded inside.

Read more at Science News

Black Holes – Resonance Physics


Everything spins. Ever stop to think about that? I really hadn’t until I took the Resonance Academy course and they made this point. Super galactic clusters spin. Galaxies spin. Solar systems spin. The Earth spins (rotates on its axis). Electrons whirl around the nuclei of atoms.

When this spin speeds up, something very interesting can happen. According to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, mass is a function of speed, with the speed of light as an upper boundary. Why is the speed of light an upper boundary? Because as anything approaches the speed of light, its mass increases to infinity

Read more at Plantaryphilosophy 

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