INTERNET RESOURCES For a good gateway to websites in the areas of Biology, Cell biology, Chemistry, Molecular biology and Toxicology try -
is a free catalogue of hand-selected and evaluated Internet resources for students, lecturers, researchers and practitioners in the Health and Life Sciences. bmcmedresmethodol/BMC Medical Research Methodology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in methodological approaches to healthcare research. Articles on the methodology of epidemiological research, clinical trials and meta-analysis/systematic review are particularly encouraged, as are empirical studies of the associations between choice of methodology and study outcomes. (Links to subject sources) provides a gateway to quality websites. Some of the areas covered are: Biology, Genetics, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Ecology & Physics For information sources on Toxicology A catalog of US Government Science and Technology web PubMed/ PubMed is another freely available index which although not as comprehensive as the commercial index is a useful starting point. - The National Library of Medicine (US) sponsors Toxnet which is a collection of databases covering toxicology, hazardous chemicals and related topics. - A resource site devoted to Chemistry - Rolf Claessen's Chemistry Index -ChemWeb :. Membership is free - The Analytical Chemistry Springboard Royal Society of Chemistry American Chemical Society The European Chemical Society - Chemical and Engineering News - CAS Chemical Abstracts Service -Department of the Environment - Physical Sciences Information Gateway is a free service that offers access to high quality Web resources in the physical sciences. Each resource in the main PSIgate Catalogue has been selected by information professionals and subject specialists (mainly PSIgate staff and research postgraduates) to ensure relevance and quality. - SciCentral supports the best research news channels and facilitates user access to them. The site features links to general scientific news sources (New Scientist, BBC, Nature…) which are ranked according to quality. All resources are reviewed monthly to ensure accuracy and relevance to the scientific community. - This portal is a comprehensive, human-edited directory of physics web resources. - Institute of Physics in Ireland. - Physics Ireland and The True Physics Project. The True Physics Project consists of a travelling interactive physics roadshow and the two supporting websites shown above. - This e-print archive is an electronic archive and distribution server for research papers. Covered areas include physics and related disciplines, mathematics, nonlinear sciences, computational linguistics, and neuroscience. It is based upon activities supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Los Alamos National Laboratory and by the U.S. Department of Energy. - Journal of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). This online journal publishing service allows the bibliographic searching of over 110 full-text online journals. - This site uses interactive multimedia to explore interactive plasma physics topics, ranging from electricity, magnetism, energy and fusion
Information sources for Science Updated July 2007 - PhysNet offers country-wise lists of physics departments and institutes, lists of documents, online literature, preprints, research reports, freely available physics journals, conferences, jobs and other services. - This links provided on this page really are extensive. There are category specific links to biochemistry, molecular biology and immunology resources. There are also links to general resources, banks and tables, organism databases and biological databases. - This website is particularly useful, as it is a gateway to online college and research level Internet resources. A short summary of each link is also given which helps you to decide on its usefulness before following the link. - Includes news and events, organisations, and products directory sections. The academic section is particularly useful. - This interactive website, maintained and promoted by BioResearch Ireland, provides an up-to-date view of the exciting developments in the Irish Biotech sector while promoting networking across disciplines including academic, industrial, government agency, trade, professional services and financial organisations. - A great site that provides access to a host of information not just web links. It also gives access to PubMed and other literature databases as well as molecular databases. It has explanatory literature on a number of topics including genes and diseases. – Eric Weisstein’s World of science features biographies and explanations of topics in mathematics, physics, astronomy and chemistry. - NIST Standard Reference Database – this site provides free online study guides in the areas of literature, the arts, and sciences. - this site provides descriptions and links to more than one hundred free MSDS collections available on the internet – provides access to geographic knowledge and brings about awareness of the need to protect the planet’s natural resources. - a free online database that focuses on issues of sustainable development and the environment. – provides headlines and links to top science news stories as well as links to major subject areas in science, health and computing - PSIgate is a free service that offers access to high quality Web resources in the physical sciences; there are currently 13592 resources in astronomy, chemistry, earth sciences, materials sciences, physics, and general science